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+380 (93) 929-11-77
+380 (48) 700-36-44
+380 (97) 072-87-86
10' x 50' Silver Leaf Series "Hidden Bunk Bomb Shelter", фото 3

10' x 50' Silver Leaf Series "Hidden Bunk Bomb Shelter"

Ціну уточнюйте

Мінімальна сума замовлення на сайті — 4000 грн

  • В наявності
  • Оптом і в роздріб
  • Код: IS 0034
10' x 50' Silver Leaf Series "Hidden Bunk Bomb Shelter"
Ціну уточнюйте
В наявності10' x 50' Silver Leaf Series "Hidden Bunk Bomb Shelter"
  • +380 (93) 929-11-77
  • +380 (48) 700-36-44
  • +380 (97) 072-87-86
    Viber Киевстар
  • +380 (93) 929-11-77
  • +380 (48) 700-36-44
  • +380 (97) 072-87-86
    Viber Киевстар

Замовлення тільки за телефоном

повернення товару протягом 365 днів за домовленістю

Number of people to accommodate


Battery 8000 Ah (based on 3 hours of work per day per person at 83 W / h.)

30 days

Water supply up to 2250 liters (based on 3 liters of water per person per day)

30-72 days

External coating

150 years

Metall Comfort mini bunkers are made from high quality steel using the same manufacturing techniques as large bomb shelters.

The bunker complex “Silver Leaf” of a new design provides additional protection for your family, allowing you to comfortably survive offline. This bomb shelter allows you to hide your sleeping quarters while you sleep behind a hidden and locked security door. This feature provides an additional line of defense. Intruders cannot access this door. Upon entering, you see only the kitchen area and the bathroom. But what you don't know is that there is enough space behind the bathroom to accommodate 10 people.

The main bedroom is separate and spacious. It also includes a storage cabinet. The extra bedroom contains 4 bunk beds, large enough to accommodate 8 adults. In addition, the bunks are raised for food storage. The bathroom has a shower, toilet and sink. We also provide a tankless hot water heater. There are lots of cabinets and a sink in the kitchen. A dining table with bench seating provides even more space. The sofa/bed also serves as a sleeping place. There is a closet for additional storage in the living room. There is also a TV set for family entertainment.

Requirements and stages of bunker design

The bunker is not just a place for a short pastime, but a reliable shelter where you can escape during hostilities. Since the structure is being built with a protective purpose, it must comply with all safety requirements, which is important to consider when developing a project and constructing a bomb shelter.

Bunker Requirements

Private bomb shelters are built near the place of residence to protect their lives and loved ones during hostilities. To make a reliable shelter, it is necessary to develop its project, observing all the requirements for buildings of this purpose.

Before starting the design of the bunker, it is necessary to pay attention to the following:

  • The shelter should always be underground.
  • The bunker must not be built in lowlands where water accumulates and there is a risk of flooding.
  • It is forbidden to equip the entrance to the shelter next to buildings, trees, walls and other objects that can block it after destruction.
  • The shelter must necessarily have an emergency exit.
  • The bunker must have a ventilation system.
  • In case of long stays, the shelter should have places for storing food and water supplies.

Bunker design technology

The development of the bunker project is carried out in two stages. At the first one, all information is collected for the calculation of structural elements and the selection of life support systems. The following questions need to be worked out:

  • The purpose of the bunker. The shelter can be for a short pastime and for a long comfortable stay.
  • The location where the bomb shelter will be located – in open areas or under buildings.
  • The number of people the bunker can hold.
  • The arrangement of a life support system for a bomb shelter.
  • Masking the shelter and its entrance. 

Based on the received information, structural elements are calculated and equipment placement issues are resolved:

  • The layout of residential and technical premises is selected, their dimensions are calculated.
  • The places of the main and emergency entrance and exit are determined.
  • All equipment for ventilation, power supply and sewerage systems is selected and their locations are selected.
  • The number of building materials from which it is planned to build the bunker is calculated.

After working out all the issues, a shelter plan is drawn with the placement of all equipment.

If you are looking for the most reliable and most profitable option that will protect you in the most critical situations, pay attention to the MAX MINI anti-nuclear bunker – it has everything you need to stay a family of 6 persons for 1 month.

Invest to save lives yours and your loved ones!


Основні атрибути
ВиробникMetall Comfort Service
Інформація для замовлення
  • Ціна: Ціну уточнюйте

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