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+380 (93) 929-11-77
+380 (48) 700-36-44
+380 (97) 072-87-86
10' x 20' Standard Bomb Shelter "Base Model", фото 3

10' x 20' Standard Bomb Shelter "Base Model"

Ціну уточнюйте

Мінімальна сума замовлення на сайті — 4000 грн

  • В наявності
  • Оптом і в роздріб
  • Код: IS 0038
10' x 20' Standard Bomb Shelter "Base Model"
Ціну уточнюйте
В наявності10' x 20' Standard Bomb Shelter "Base Model"
  • +380 (93) 929-11-77
  • +380 (48) 700-36-44
  • +380 (97) 072-87-86
    Viber Киевстар
  • +380 (93) 929-11-77
  • +380 (48) 700-36-44
  • +380 (97) 072-87-86
    Viber Киевстар

Замовлення тільки за телефоном

повернення товару протягом 365 днів за домовленістю

Number of people to accommodate


Battery 2400 Ah (based on 3 hours of work per day per person at 83 W / h.)

30 days

Water supply up to 675 liters (based on 3 liters of water per person per day)

30-72 days

External coating

150 years

Metall Comfort mini bunkers are made from high quality steel using the same manufacturing techniques as large bomb shelters.

Going down the stairs to the survival shelter, you will immediately feel a sense of security. As you enter the nuclear war bunker, you will notice bunk beds and a closet to your right. You'll be happy when you see how much you can store under your bed and in your closet. Directly to the left there is a TV and DVD entertainment unit. There is also a dining table with benches. The kitchen is equipped with a stainless sink and shelves. The bathroom is located to the left of the kitchen. It includes a composting toilet and additional shelves. This basic 10 x 20 bomb shelter bunker is perfect for a small family.

What does the life support system of the bunker consist of?

The life support system is a set of equipment in various configurations that ensures long-term living of people in the bunker. Some of them are vital for a person; others are installed at the request of the customer.

The most important bunker life support systems

When choosing equipment for the bunker, first of all, one chooses it without which there is a danger to life and severe discomfort is felt. These can be the simplest stationary devices or electrical devices of various purposes, from which the main life support systems of the bunker are assembled.

These include:

  • Air system. It is intended for the supply of fresh air to the shelter and the removal of saturated carbon dioxide. Air can be supplied both naturally and with the help of an air pump.
  • Filtration system. It cleans the air coming from outside of dust, mud and smoke. Air filters are produced in various versions; they are selected depending on the purpose of the bunker.
  • Power supply system. It provides the shelter with electricity. In long-term bunkers, it is generated by a gasoline or diesel generator. Accumulator batteries are installed in light shelters.
  • Sewage system. It is intended for the utilization of natural human excreta. The bunker is equipped with a bio-toilet or a septic tank.

Additional bunker systems

If desired, the shelter can be equipped with additional life support systems that improve living conditions. Such a decision is taken if there is a danger of a long stay underground.

Possible options:

  • Water system. It consists of a well drilled next to the bunker and water pipes through which water enters the shelter. The system can be mounted if there is a water well.
  • Exhaust systems. They are assembled of hoods and pipes, through which aerated air is forcibly removed from the premises where the electric generator and the bathroom are located.
  • Water filtration system. Its purpose is to clean groundwater, which pours in a special container.
  • Video surveillance system. It consists of video cameras and a monitor and is intended for monitoring the territory on the surface around the bunker.

The life support system of the bunker protects additionally the respiratory organs and human skin from polluted air and water. The presence of such equipment increases significantly the level of security of the shelter and ensures maximum "survivability" for people in the shelter.

If you are looking for the most reliable and most profitable option that will protect you in the most critical situations, pay attention to the MAX MINI anti-nuclear bunker – it has everything you need to stay a family of 6 persons for 1 month.

Invest to save lives yours and your loved ones!


Основні атрибути
ВиробникMetall Comfort Service
Інформація для замовлення
  • Ціна: Ціну уточнюйте

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