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Зараз у компанії неробочий час. Замовлення та повідомлення будуть оброблені з 09:00 найближчого робочого дня (завтра, 07.02).

+380 (93) 929-11-77
+380 (48) 700-36-44
+380 (97) 072-87-86
10' x 30' Standard Bomb Shelter "Base Model", фото 3

10' x 30' Standard Bomb Shelter "Base Model"

Ціну уточнюйте

Мінімальна сума замовлення на сайті — 4000 грн

  • В наявності
  • Оптом і в роздріб
  • Код: IS 0040
10' x 30' Standard Bomb Shelter "Base Model"
Ціну уточнюйте
В наявності10' x 30' Standard Bomb Shelter "Base Model"
  • +380 (93) 929-11-77
  • +380 (48) 700-36-44
  • +380 (97) 072-87-86
    Viber Киевстар
  • +380 (93) 929-11-77
  • +380 (48) 700-36-44
  • +380 (97) 072-87-86
    Viber Киевстар

Замовлення тільки за телефоном

повернення товару протягом 365 днів за домовленістю

Number of people to accommodate


Battery 3200 Ah (based on 3 hours of work per day per person at 83 W / h.)

30 days

Water supply up to 900 liters (based on 3 liters of water per person per day)

30-72 days

External coating

150 years

Metall Comfort mini bunkers are made from high quality steel using the same manufacturing techniques as large bomb shelters.

Entering the 10 x 30 bomb shelter, you will see a dining table with benches. Moving further into the bomb shelter, you'll find a bathroom with a composting toilet and shelving so your family can keep enough things safe. There is also a kitchen with lots of countertops and a sink. At the back of the bomb shelter there is a bedroom with a closet and bunk beds on both sides. There is more than enough storage space under the bunk beds. The 10 x 30 bomb shelter has enough space to accommodate a family of four. This bomb shelter has a more open layout than the 20-inch models, allowing to make it more comfort and store large quantities.

Medical first aid kit for the bunker

During active hostilities, there is a high probability that those living in the bunker will need medical assistance. Therefore, the shelter should have a first-aid kit, because the help of a doctor may not be available.

Requirements for a first-aid kit for the bunker

As a first-aid kit for the bunker, you can use a standard kit for tourists, with an increased amount of drugs.

If you decide to collect it yourself, the medicines must meet the following requirements:

  • Give preference to medications aimed at eliminating acute conditions (heart attacks, pressure, etc.).
  • Medicines can be bought in any store without a prescription.
  • Choose medicines known to you that do not give side effects.
  • Do not buy advertised drugs, they are too expensive.
  • Bandaging materials should cover all types of injuries – from a minor cut to a serious fracture.
  • It is possible to add syringes if there is a person who can do injections.
  • There must be inscriptions on all packages.
  • The medicine expiry date should be calculated for long-term storage.

A basic set of medicines for a first aid kit into the bunker

It is difficult to make an exact list of medicines for a first-aid kit, because every person can have different diseases, uses certain drugs, etc. Therefore, it is recommended to take a basic set of medicines with the addition of medicines for individual use into the bunker.

A first aid kit may look like this:



Means for bandaging

Bandage, tourniquet, rubber patch, napkins, sterile cotton wool

Auxiliary devices

Thermometer, tonometer, scissors, syringes


Ketanov, citramon, no-shpa

Medicines from burns


Means for healing wounds

Rescuer, hydrogen peroxide, iodine, brilliant green, chlorhexidine, levomekol

Cardiac drugs

Nitroglycerin, valerian, corvalol

Means for the treatment of bruises and minor injuries

Viprosal , elastic bandage

Remedies for the treatment of colds

Paracetamol, analgin, ascorbic acid

Medicines for the stomach and intestines

Loperamide, phthalazole, magnesium sulfate, activated carbon, rehydron

Remedies from shock

Dexamethasone in ampoules

Medicines for the treatment of burns


Preparations for the treatment of kidneys

Lasix, 5 nok

When determining the minimum amount of drugs, the following factors are taken into account:

  • Gastric preparations – 1 package per 1 person.
  • Painkillers – 0.5 packs per person.
  • Dressings – for at least 3 injuries.
  • Other drugs – 1 package for 2 people.

When compiling a first-aid kit, follow the basic rule: you need to know how to use the drugs. Therefore, print out the list of medicines with their purpose and dosage and put them into the first-aid kit. During the shelling, you can forget about it.

If you are looking for the most reliable and most profitable option that will protect you in the most critical situations, pay attention to the MAX MINI anti-nuclear bunker – it has everything you need to stay a family of 6 persons for 1 month.

Invest to save lives yours and your loved ones!


Основні атрибути
ВиробникMetall Comfort Service
Інформація для замовлення
  • Ціна: Ціну уточнюйте

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