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+380 (93) 929-11-77
+380 (48) 700-36-44
+380 (97) 072-87-86
Bomb Shelter Complex "The Family SHELTER" L, фото 3

Bomb Shelter Complex "The Family SHELTER" L

Ціну уточнюйте

Мінімальна сума замовлення на сайті — 4000 грн

  • В наявності
  • Оптом і в роздріб
  • Код: IS 0074
Bomb Shelter Complex "The Family SHELTER" L
Ціну уточнюйте
В наявностіBomb Shelter Complex "The Family SHELTER" L
  • +380 (93) 929-11-77
  • +380 (48) 700-36-44
  • +380 (97) 072-87-86
    Viber Киевстар
  • +380 (93) 929-11-77
  • +380 (48) 700-36-44
  • +380 (97) 072-87-86
    Viber Киевстар

Замовлення тільки за телефоном

повернення товару протягом 365 днів за домовленістю

Number of people to accommodate


Battery 3200 Ah (based on 3 hours of work per day per person at 83 W / h.)

30 days

Water supply 900 liters (based on 3 liters of water per person per day)

30-72 days

External coating

150 years

Metall Comfort mini bunkers are made from high quality steel using the same manufacturing techniques as large bomb shelters.

Family Shelter L nuclear bunker models can comfortably accommodate from 8 to 14 people. It provides the ability to add modules after installation using the module system. Each module has the same security and technical equipment. This allows you to get very large areas by combining them.

One of the key features of the nuclear strike bunker is 9-mm steel armour with hot-dip galvanizing. It is explosion resistant and completely waterproof.

Ideal bunker

The proverb «My home is my fortress» is more relevant than ever in the current era of natural disasters, natural disasters, tense international situations and military conflicts. However, in reality, in an ordinary apartment or private mansion, the feeling of security is deceptive, since there is no protection in case of an emergency situation. In order to be confident and calm in any circumstances, it is advisable to buy a bunker, having thoughtfully figured out what it should be like so that you can rely on it in terms of saving human life.

What is it, the perfect bunker for all occasions?

Not every enclosed space can be called a full-fledged shelter in extreme conditions. An ordinary basement, underground parking, a rural cellar can become a temporary shelter during the rampant elements or during a period of hot hostilities, but they do not guarantee 100% security. Only a bunker built according to special rules can provide reliable protection in case of war and natural disaster.

During the design of a special protective shelter, numerous dangerous factors are always taken into account, which is why there are ways out of various unfavorable scenarios:

  • A complete bunker has high-strength walls that can withstand a powerful shock wave.
  • The structure is equipped with a fresh air supply system so that people can stay inside for a long time without experiencing a lack of oxygen.
  • The air filtration system protects against the effects of nuclear, chemical, bacteriological attack.
  • The protective bunker is a completely self-contained structure, which provides for the supply of water and power, including backup sources.

Shelter saves in the most unforeseen situations, including in case of radioactive contamination, if it is absolutely hermetic, and special materials were used in its construction that attenuate gamma radiation, neutron flux.

Reliable and safe will be a bunker-bomb shelter, which has at least one emergency exit. This distinguishes a full-fledged protective shelter from the basement or cellar, which becomes a death trap in the event of a collapse of the building, when people cannot get out.

It is best to order the development of an individual bunker project, taking into account how many people it should be designed for, as well as taking into account your personal preferences. But you can choose a typical model, based on the estimated number of people who will be saved inside.

What should be in a personal bunker?

It is important not only to buy a properly designed nuclear bunker with a reliable design, but also to prepare it for a long autonomous stay of people.

First of all, you need to take care of everything that is needed to ensure life and minimal human comfort in the bunker:

  • Supply of food and fresh drinking water;
  • Sleeping bags, blankets, mattresses, blankets, pillows;
  • Warm clothes and changeable shoes;
  • Matches and a lighter;
  • Hygiene products;
  • First aid kit;
  • Tools – from a multi-tool knife to a shovel, other devices that will help in case of a blockage.

However, it is not necessary to be limited to the specified minimum. You can equip the bunker in case of war with the latest technology in order to feel as comfortable as possible inside. The level of convenience is predetermined by personal preferences and is limited by financial capabilities, as well as the customer's fantasies.

If you are looking for the most reliable and most profitable option that will protect you in the most critical situations, pay attention to the MAX MINI anti-nuclear bunker – it has everything you need to stay a family of 6 persons for 1 month.

Invest to save lives yours and your loved ones!

Основні атрибути
ВиробникMetall Comfort Service
Інформація для замовлення
  • Ціна: Ціну уточнюйте

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