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Зараз у компанії неробочий час. Замовлення та повідомлення будуть оброблені з 09:00 найближчого робочого дня (завтра, 17.02).

+380 (93) 929-11-77
+380 (48) 700-36-44
+380 (97) 072-87-86

Garage 8,5' x 40'

Ціну уточнюйте

Мінімальна сума замовлення на сайті — 4000 грн

  • В наявності
  • Оптом і в роздріб
  • Код: IS 0080
Garage 8,5' x 40'
Ціну уточнюйте
В наявностіGarage 8,5' x 40'
  • +380 (93) 929-11-77
  • +380 (48) 700-36-44
  • +380 (97) 072-87-86
    Viber Киевстар
  • +380 (93) 929-11-77
  • +380 (48) 700-36-44
  • +380 (97) 072-87-86
    Viber Киевстар

Замовлення тільки за телефоном

повернення товару протягом 365 днів за домовленістю

Metall Comfort mini bunkers are made from high quality steel using the same manufacturing techniques as large bomb shelters.

How to survive during a nuclear explosion?

Atomic weapons frighten people more than anything in the world after people saw the consequences of their use in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Contemporaries are accustomed to perceive the nuclear threat as fatal, sparing no one. However, experts assure that even being a few kilometers from the explosion does not mean inevitable death. The best and most reliable preventive measure is to prepare and equip with everything necessary a special bunker into which one should move as soon as information about the threat of a nuclear strike has arrived. But you can increase your own chances of survival just by being out in the open if you know how to do it right.

Where to hide during a nuclear explosion?

A nuclear explosion is impossible not to notice – it is characterized by a very bright flash. First of all, you can’t look at it, as you can go blind. Another flash is a signal for action, since a person has a limited period of time to hide from the consequences of a nuclear strike:

  • The ideal place to hide is an underground room or a room with strong walls without windows. It is desirable that the space be separated from the external environment by at least two walls – this will help to survive the shock wave, which has tremendous destructive power.
  • If the shelter is far away, it is necessary to find a hole in the ground, an obstacle in the form of a tree, a strong curb, or other obstacle, hiding behind it.

If there is no way to hide, you should fall onto the ground, the head should be in the opposite direction from the explosion, it is covered with hands. You should also try not to leave open parts of the body in order to reduce the effects of ultraviolet radiation, which is fraught with burns.

How to protect yourself from radiation?

Perhaps the most frightening and dangerous consequence of a nuclear explosion is penetrating radiation. Radioactive rays pierce everything in their path, however, their strength decreases when they pass through any obstacle. That is why you need to hide at least behind something massive, while looking for ways to get to the shelter.

It is advisable to throw off clothes before entering the shelter it is saturated with radioactive particles. Next, you need to take a shower with plenty of soap, but without trying to rub the skin. You should stay in the shelter for at least 24 hours, waiting for further orders from the authorities.

If you are looking for the most reliable and most profitable option that will protect you in the most critical situations, pay attention to the MAX MINI anti-nuclear bunker – it has everything you need to stay a family of 6 persons for 1 month.

Invest to save lives yours and your loved ones!

Основні атрибути
ВиробникMetall Comfort Service
Інформація для замовлення
  • Ціна: Ціну уточнюйте

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